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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Expectations vs Reality Part II - Ok God, I'm listening!

Last night Sarge and I ran the Summer Free For All Series put on by the New Orleans Track Club.  It is a free 2 mile race in City Park that makes you feel good and is nice to compete a little.  I saw a new friend there, Jennifer.  I met her doing the Father's Day Race in Audubon Park.  She is doing the Biggest Loser over at Elmwood and is so sweet!  I digress.  I did the race with Sarge and I had a plan.  I would start off in the back and walk a little, run a little, so forth and so on.  However, Sarge did not seem to go with that plan.  He got me running at the starting line.  I ran almost the whole first mile. I ran about 7/8 of the mile and then stopped for about 60 seconds before I started running again.  In the second mile I ran most of that too, only stopping for about 30 seconds a couple of times. My legs were aching and my back hurt a little but it was my brain.  I just kept running to stop, if you know what I mean.  It was like when I quit smoking back in '06.  I would quit until Mardi Gras and then I could smoke, or when I was stressed.  I was quitting to smoke if you get it.  I finally quit for good in '08.

Last night I expected to stop running and walk some of the race.  My reality was that I ran almost the whole race and if I had just gotten out of my own way I would have ran the whole thing.  Like Yogi Berra Says, 90% of the game is half mental.    Actually, he said Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical.  

Like I said, Okay God,  I am listening.  He keeps trying to tell me to dump the expectations and just do my thang.  

This week I expect me to give it my all and do my best.  That's all, really!  I can honestly say that I am working hard and giving it my all.  

Much Love, 

Celeste is not only competing to be the NOLA Biggest Loser 2.0, but she is also working full time as the Metry Chick, an artist who created NOLA style gifts with a little Metry Attitude thrown in for good measure.  She also writes as one of theReal Housewives of NOLA as the Wednesday blogger.  Check her out on Facebook and Twitter

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dining Out Diary - Dot's Diner

This morning I got up and after dropping MG off at camp I took advantage of the overcast day and headed out to beautiful Lafreniere park for a trot.  It was a good workout, but I was STARVING!  I knew my friends over at Dot's Diner would be happy to help me fuel up deliciously and let me tell you, they did NOT disappoint me!

There were a lot of choices, let me tell you!  I skipped over the pancakes to look for those cute little pink hearts next to the healthy meals.  I am always a sucker for a veggie omelette so I chose the Healthy Heart Veggie Omelette.  
I omitted the cheese and opted for some hash browns and wheat toast.  I stressed that I needed the hash browns cooked with NO added oil and they were happy to help me with that.  Next time I will remember to request my toast with no margarine.  Since I am avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup I steered clear of the jelly for my toast but I enjoyed every single bite of this:
It was just DELICIOUS!  I ate all of the omelette and most of the hash browns.  I left the toast behind because I forgot to bring it home for the puppies and feel so bad for wasting food.  

My total for the hash browns and HUGE omelette was only 320 calories.  Not too shabby for a meal that really filled me up and fueled me up for the rest of the morning.  

The moral of the story is that I feel like I treated myself to a really nice little breakfast out and about but didn't sacrifice my eating plan - even the hash browns.  I am eating them early in the day and using that fuel to push me the rest of my day.   You don't have to sacrifice everything that you love, just adjust the way that you eat a little bit.  

Thanks you, Dot's Diner for a wonderful breakfast and I am SURE that I will see you guys again really soon - I am determined to try some of your healthy lunch and dinner options too!  Who knows where this journey will take me eating next?

Much Love, 

Celeste is not only competing to be the NOLA Biggest Loser 2.0, but she is also working full time as the Metry Chick, an artist who created NOLA style gifts with a little Metry Attitude thrown in for good measure.  She also writes as one of theReal Housewives of NOLA as the Wednesday blogger.  Check her out on Facebook and Twitter

Photos courtesy of ME!  I took the photos this morning at breakfast on 28 Jun 2011.  This post was not requested or sponsored by Dot's Diner in any way.  

Expectation vs Reality Round I

Sunday was my first weigh in for the Biggest Loser!  I am in second place with 2.96%.  The one in the lead is 3.43%!  I was not expecting that at all.  I am a perfectionist and REALLY wanted to be in first place.  I was frustrated. I cried a little, pouted some and vented more - then I went for a walk/run.  I really needed it and needed to get out for a bit.  In the past I would have quit so I am pretty impressed with myself if I do say so myself!  My brain tells me that I did really well and better than average on my loss, but I wanted more.  I just do.  I think I might know where B, AKA, Competitive Barbie might get her competitive edge from.

Well, I am not stopping now or even slowing down a little.  Yesterday was my rest day and now I am raring to go again!


Much Love,

Celeste is not only competing to be the NOLA Biggest Loser 2.0, but she is also working full time as the Metry Chick, an artist who created NOLA style gifts with a little Metry Attitude thrown in for good measure.  She also writes as one of theReal Housewives of NOLA as the Wednesday blogger.  Check her out on Facebook and Twitter

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A favorite thing...

I have a coffee fetish!  I love all kinds of coffee.  My favorite of all time is Cuban Coffee and is the reason why us Cubans are such hairy people - because that stuff will make you sprout some hair!  It is strong stuff!  The problem with a lot of coffee that people love is that they will go and get a Large Caramel Granita (481 calories) or a Small White Chocolate Cappuccino (251 calories) and think that they got it with skim milk so it's all good!  Skim will probably save you about 100 calories, but boy, buddy, that is a MEAL in a drink!

I am a HUGE fan of PJs.  One, because they are local and I am SOOO pro local, but secondly, because the baristas in there get to know you, they're super friendly, their affordable, not StarSucks AND they have great coffee.  That was actually reasons 2-5,  but I don't care.  

If you want the flavor in your coffee but don't want to add the additional calories of a flavored syrup, or don't like the sugar free versions, look into their flavored roasted coffee.  The Southern Wedding Cake is just delicious!  Sweet and tasty without the caloric hit that flavored syrups hit you with.  Their King Cake coffee is my favorite, but this one is growing on me too!  So, stop in at your neighborhood PJs and pick up a cup of their flavored coffees!  The flavor is added to the bean and not to your butt!

Much Love,

Celeste is not only competing to be the NOLA Biggest Loser 2.0, but she is also working full time as the Metry Chick, an artist who created NOLA style gifts with a little Metry Attitude thrown in for good measure.  She also writes as one of theReal Housewives of NOLA as the Wednesday blogger.  Check her out on Facebook and Twitter

PS - this post was NOT sponsored by PJs at all.  I just feel like if I go there so much I should just tithe there, well, maybe so should you.  They're a good thing.  

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's ON! The Biggest Loser Contest has BEGUN!

We weighed in last nigh and the contest is ON!  NOLA Biggest Loser 2.0!  It is soo easy to say, so easy to get ready for, but once you step on the scale and see THAT NUMBER it all hits you at once!  I am FREAKED out!

Like any fat chick I have gone on 100 diets!  I have tried this MISSION 1,000 times.  I saw a program on tv and the lady said, "every day I wake up on a diet and every night I go to bed a failure".  I am soo not trying to do that this time, but the self doubt creeps in.  It's so insidious.  WOW!  This time though I am ready for a life change.  I don't want to diet.  I want to help my food work for me!  I want to make my body work this time.  I can't really remember the last time I was really happy with how I looked and more importantly, how I feel.  That's sad.

This morning I woke up on a mission.  I made my shake, I did a workout, I ate breakfast and I am sticking to my plans.  Tonight I will go to bed still on my mission and I will do this for 77 days!  I takes 21 days to form a habit, so I better get to steppin!

Last night I freaked out a little - okay, a LOT - but I am determined that everyday I will wake up and be ready to take this on.  I know there will be setbacks, I am just trying to prepare myself that they are Setbacks and not putdowns.

Everything will work out and this will WORK!  A friend of ours gave me a good SLOGAN - HAAR-D work pays off$$$! I'll remember to keep this in mind.

I'll be posting along my journey, so can you keep up?

Much Love,

Celeste is not only competing to be the NOLA Biggest Loser 2.0, but she is also working full time as the Metry Chick, an artist who created NOLA style gifts with a little Metry Attitude thrown in for good measure.  She also writes as one of the Real Housewives of NOLA as the Wednesday blogger.  Check her out on Facebook and Twitter

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mini Goals

I am working a lot on setting goals and how to achieve those goals.  It is so much more complicated than I thought.  I love lists and planning.  I ADORE it.  But I am just not that GREAT at it.  The perfectionist in me wants it to be PERFECT.  In taking this course "How to achieve your goals and live the life you love" by Simplify 101 I am learning about goal setting and dreaming.  I really am taking these lessons to heart.  One thing that I am trying to do is setting mini goals and deadlines within my main goal. 

This is my main goal:
On August 28th, 2011 I will reach my goal weight and win the NOLA Biggest Loser2.0 competition.  I will feel health and energy that I have not felt in a really long time. I will be someone that I am proud of and my family is proud of.

Within that goal I have little mini goals:
  • I will drink 1oz/# of water minimum everyday in June.
  • I will drink 1oz/# of water minimum everyday in July.
  • I will drink 1oz/# of water minimum everyday in August.
  • I will take my vitamins every day in June.
  • I will take my vitamins every day in July.
  • I will take my vitamins every day in August.
  • I will break my loss into 10# goals.  Each of these goals will be eligible for  a reward.
    • Here are my Rewards:
    • A Massage
      A Pedicure
      Mani Pedi
      New workout shoes from my favorite store
      Classes at the Y

A New Coach Wristlet
I put all of these on a VISION BOARD.  They are in front of me and I can see them everyday!  I will also go back to giving myself gold stars.  A few years ago whenever I went to the gym or worked out I would come home and put a gold star on the calendar for that day.  It was really great motivator to see how many stars I could get.  I guess it doesn't just work for two year olds. 

I am excited about this journey and can't wait to get started! 

Much Love,

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I WILL be the Biggest LOSER!

I am entering a new phase in my life right now and one thing that has eluded me for YEARS has been my weight.  I have lost and gained the same 30+ or - pounds for the last 15 years.  I am SOOO over being fat.  It is in my genetics, but it is also in my list of excuses!  I need to push away from the table.  I have read the books.  I have the knowledge.  Now I have found the drive and yeah, I've said it before that I was serious.  I was serious 3 months ago.  SO WHAT?!?!

I love FlyLady and in her book, Sink Reflections she talks about getting acknowledgement from your spouse and she says that they've seen you commit a thousand times, read 100 books and now that you are starting to do something they don't want to jinx it.  Just give them the benefit of the doubt.  I find myself here now.  I want to tell the world but I have that self doubt in the back of my head.  I've committed a thousand times.  I've planned it 100 times.  Now I am making changes.  I don't want to jinx it.

This time I am putting $100 where my big fat mouth is!  I am entering a Biggest Loser type of competition with a bunch of family friends.  The pot I will win is about up to $800 right now.  That's nothing to sneeze at!  I am planning a serious vacay for the Sarge and I with those duckets!